Personal data protection policy

ARMOR informs you that your personal data are collected and processed in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation and the National Data Protection Act (together “Regulation”).

Data concerned: A personal data can be defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to its physical, economic, cultural or social identity. Thus, data such as your name, first name and email address, or the company in which you work may be subject to a processing implemented by ARMOR for purposes of marketing analysis, customer-prospect relationship management, recruitments management where appropriate.

Modes of data collection: The data are collected by ARMOR, in its capacity of controller of the processing, in accordance with the lawfulness conditions of the processing concerned (e.g.: consent, processing necessary for the performance of a contract, of a legal obligation and/or to protect the legitimate interests of the controller such as maintaining a business relationship, etc.). Thus, for example, in the framework of the prospection relationship management, these data are collected following an agreed contact (e.g.: emails, fulfilment of a form, subscription to newsletter, professional exhibition) and in order to operate a business relationship.

Recipients of the data: The data are intended for ARMOR, in its capacity of controller of the processing, its subsidiaries when necessary, and in particular to the persons who have a need to know it affiliated to the marketing service, the commercial service, the services in charge of the customer and prospection relationship as well as the administrative, human resources, logistics and information technology services. ARMOR and/or its subsidiaries may transmit the information collected to third parties, including some of its technical service providers so that they can ensure the proper functioning of the website and ARMOR’ services. In this context, your data may be subject to a transfer outside the European Union for which ARMOR undertakes to implement appropriate safeguards in accordance with the Regulation.

Duration of data storage: The data are kept for the maximum duration required by the Regulation in force. In case of archiving, the necessary access is restricted to the persons who have a need to know it.

Exercise of rights of the data subject: In accordance with the Regulation, you have the right to access, rectify, oppose, port, erase your personal data or to ask for a restriction of their processing by sending a mail to the address: ARMOR SAS, to the attention of DPO, 20 rue Chevreul, CS 90508, 44105 NANTES Cedex 4, FRANCE. In the framework of your request, ARMOR will inform you on the measures taken as soon as possible within 1 month of its receipt. According to the complexity and the number of requests, ARMOR will inform you that this period may be extended by 2 further months. Failing to receive a satisfactory answer from ARMOR, you also have the possibility to file a claim with a supervisory authority.

Updating: ARMOR reserves the right to update these provisions any time.